Is It Safe to Shut Down an Oil Furnace in Summer?

Oil furnaces are incredibly reliable and efficient. However, one of the questions many homeowners ask is: Is it safe to shut down an oil furnace in summer? It is understandable to be unsure whether shutting down an oil furnace during the warmer months is safe. To provide peace of mind, it is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages, and any possible risks, of shutting down an oil furnace in summer.

Shutting down an oil furnace during the summer can have both pros and cons. On the one hand, it can help save money on fuel costs, but on the other hand, it can negatively affect the furnace, leading to more costly repairs or replacements.

Moreover, a furnace that has been shut down for a long period of time can suffer from clogged or corroded components, resulting in mechanical or safety issues. It is also important to consider the age of the furnace, as older furnaces may not be able to withstand the strain of a prolonged shut-down period.

Is it OK to Turn Off the Oil Furnace in the Summer?

The answer is yes, it is perfectly fine to turn off the oil furnace during the summer months. Doing so can save money on energy bills, as the furnace won’t be running unnecessarily. Before switching off the furnace, homeowners should ensure that the furnace is properly shut down to avoid any potential issues in the future.

This includes having the filter checked and cleaned, as well as having the fuel tank drained. It’s also important to turn off the electricity and gas valves to the furnace, as well as the pilot light. In addition, homeowners should also inspect the furnace for any signs of damage or wear and tear.

If there are any issues, such as cracks or leaks, these should be addressed before the furnace is switched off. This will help to ensure that the furnace is in good working order when it is turned back on in the fall.

Overall, it is perfectly safe to turn off the oil furnace during the summer months. However, it’s important to ensure that the furnace is properly shut down and inspected beforehand. Doing so will help to ensure that the furnace is in good working order and ready to be used when the weather turns cold again.

Why You Should Consider Turning Off Your Oil Furnace During the Summer

Turning off your oil furnace during the summer can help save energy and money. An oil furnace runs on petroleum, which is a nonrenewable energy source and is expensive.

By shutting off your oil furnace, you are reducing your dependence on this nonrenewable energy source and saving money on energy costs.

Insulation: During the summer months, you can reduce your reliance on your furnace by improving insulation in your home. Adding insulation to your walls and attic can help keep your home cooler and reduce your need to use your furnace.

Weatherization: Weatherization techniques like caulking around windows and doors can help keep warm air out during the summer. This can help keep your home cooler and reduce your need to use your furnace.

Keep Heat Out: Block the sun’s rays from entering your home by using blinds, curtains, or shades on windows. This will help keep your home cooler and reduce your need to use your furnace. These are just some of the reasons why you should consider turning off your oil furnace during the summer.

Benefits of Turning Off an Oil Furnace

Oil furnaces are often used to provide heat in homes during the cold months. However, there are several benefits to turning off an oil furnace during the warmer months.

Energy Efficiency: Turning off an oil furnace during the summer months improves home energy efficiency. When an oil furnace is not running, it is not using energy to heat the home.

This can help reduce monthly energy bills and reduce the amount of pollution caused by burning oil.

Reduce Wear and Tear: Turning off an oil furnace during the summer months can help reduce wear and tear on the furnace. This can help prolong the life of the furnace and save money on repairs.

Maintenance: Shutting off an oil furnace during the summer months can help reduce the amount of maintenance required. When a furnace is not running, it does not need to be serviced or checked. This can save time and money.

Safety: Turning off an oil furnace during the summer months can help ensure the safety of the home. When a furnace is not running, it reduces the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and other safety hazards.

How to Prepare and Safely Switch Off the Oil Furnace?

To ensure safe and effective switching off of the oil furnace, there are a few steps that need to be considered.

1. Ensure the Furnace is Cool: Before switching off the furnace, it is necessary to make sure that the furnace is cool to avoid any risk of burns. Place a thermometer in the furnace area and wait for it to cool down.

2. Shut off the Power Supply: The next step is to switch off the power supply to the furnace. This is done by switching off the circuit breaker in the furnace control panel.

3. Close the Gas Supply: The gas supply needs to be shut off at the gas meter. Ensure that the marker valve is in the correct position.

4. Shut off the Oil Supply: The oil supply needs to be shut off by closing the valve at the furnace. Drain out any remaining oil from the furnace.

5. Clean the Furnace: Once all the supplies to the furnace have been shut off, it is necessary to clean the furnace of all soot and dirt.

6. Disconnect the Flue: Finally, the flue needs to be disconnected from the furnace. This can be done by unscrewing the flue cap.

Tips for Keeping Your Furnace in Good Condition During the Summer

During the summer months, it is important to keep your furnace in good condition to avoid costly repairs. Here are some tips to help you maintain your furnace efficiently:

Clean the air filter regularly: Clean or replace the air filter on your furnace every month or two. A clogged filter can reduce airflow and strain the fan motor, preventing your furnace from operating efficiently.

Inspect the furnace: Have a professional inspect the furnace annually to ensure it is in good working condition. They can detect any potential issues and make repairs as needed.

Check the thermostat: Inspect the thermostat to ensure it is functioning properly and maintaining the desired temperature. Check the wiring and calibrate the thermostat if necessary.

Check for leaks: Look for signs of leaks such as water on the floor near the furnace or a musty smell. Leaks can cause major damage to the system and should be repaired immediately.

Keep vents clear: Make sure vents and registers are free from dust and debris. Clear away furniture and other items that may be blocking the vents and restricting airflow.

Install a programmable thermostat: Installing a programmable thermostat can help you save money on energy costs. Set the thermostat to a lower temperature when you are away from home and higher when you are home.

Maintaining Your Furnace During the Summer

Summer is an ideal time to maintain your furnace. It is essential to keep your furnace in good condition to ensure its longevity and efficiency during the cold winter months.

Here are some tips to maintain your furnace during the summer:

Clean & Change Filters: It is important to clean and/or replace your air filters every few months. Dirty filters will clog the airways, reducing airflow and causing your furnace to work harder than necessary.

Clean the Unit: Make sure to clean the outside and inside of the unit. Remove all debris and cobwebs that may have accumulated over the winter.

Inspect & Adjust the Burners: Check the burners for any signs of corrosion or build-up. If the burners are worn out or damaged, replace them. Also, adjust the burners to ensure they are in the correct position.

Check the Blower Motor: Make sure the blower motor is running properly. If it appears to be running too slowly, lubricate the bearings. If the motor is still running slow, you may need to replace it.

Test the Thermostat: Test the thermostat to make sure it is working correctly. Replace the batteries if necessary.

Check the Ducts & Vents: Inspect the ducts and vents for any signs of damage. Repair any damaged ducts and vents, as this can reduce energy efficiency and increase energy costs.

Troubleshooting Common Oil Furnace Problems During the Summer

Oil furnaces are a great way to keep your home warm during the winter months. Unfortunately, they can also cause problems during the summer months.

Common issues include not getting enough fuel or air, or having clogged filters. To help you troubleshoot these issues, here are some tips:

Check the Fuel Supply

Make sure the fuel supply is connected correctly and is receiving the right amount of fuel. This can be done by examining the fuel filter and fuel lines. If the filter is clogged, replace it.

Clean the Burners

Check the burners for dirt or debris that may be blocking the airflow. Clean them with a damp cloth and a brush.

Examine the Air Filter

If the air filter has become clogged, it can restrict the flow of air to the furnace. Replace the filter if necessary.

Inspect the Flue and Fuel Pressure

Make sure the flue is clear and open to ensure proper ventilation and if the fuel pressure is too low, the furnace may not be able to burn the fuel properly. Increase the pressure as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Turn Off an Oil Furnace?

In general, turning off an oil furnace requires halting the flow of oil and disabling power to the unit.

First, shut off the oil valve connected to the furnace. Next, turn off the power switch located on the furnace. After that, clean the area around the furnace and check the furnace filter.

When Should an Oil Furnace Be Turned Off?

It is recommended to turn off the oil furnace at least one month before the start of summer. This gives the furnace enough time to cool down and allows for more energy savings.

What to Do Before Turning Off an Oil Furnace?

Before turning off the furnace, make sure to check the entire system to ensure that everything is functioning properly. It is important to take note of any signs of damage or wear and tear.

What to Do After Turning Off an Oil Furnace?

Once the furnace is off, it is important to do regular maintenance and cleaning. This includes checking for cracks and leaks, replacing the filter, and removing any dirt or debris from the furnace.


The decision to turn off your oil furnace in the summer is ultimately up to you. But, it’s important to consider factors like energy efficiency, cost savings, and safety before making a decision. If you decide to turn off your oil furnace in the summer, be sure to properly maintain it and keep it clean to ensure it functions properly during the winter months. While turning off your oil furnace in the summer may help save energy and money, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision.